President’s Message

President’s Message


I on behalf of SCB Medical College Alumni Association extend my hearty welcome to all the medical faculties, whom this premier medical institute: SCB Medical College, Cuttack has nurtured and proved to be one of the greatest Alma mater since its inception. Better late than never the idea has been conceptualised and thus the S.C.B alumni organisation is born in a critical time of Corona pandemic in 2020. I express my sincere heartfelt thanks to the Dean and Principal, Prof. D. Hota for this initiative. I am sure the dynamic office bearers of this Association will try their best to have a good start to see the future fulfilling its aims and objectives. The SCB Medical College has proved to be one of the premier medical institutes, which has produced innumerable brilliant doctors in various faculties of medicine, teachers, surgeons, researchers and scientists spread all over the world. We salute all of them and appeal them to be members of this Association, so that the family legacy of SCBians will be maintained and it achieves greater heights for all time to come. We are committed to contribute to make this institute a world class centre for teaching, training, treatment and research in the global map of Medical sciences. I am confident that with all your active participation, we can achieve a lot.

Thanking you,

Prof. (Dr) Purna Chandra Mahapatra, MBBS, MD.
President, SCB Medical College Alumni Association