1 | Immediate Revascularisation of Borderline Ischemic Limbs Followed by Re plantation | International Journal of Contemporary Medical Research | First |
| | Vol.16 Issue:5May2019 | |
2 | Functional outcome in Digital Replantation :A Study over a period of 5 yrs. | International Journal of Contemporary Medical Research | First |
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3 | Logistics of single stage cleft lip and Palate Repair – A 3year prospective study | International Journal of Scientific Research Vol.8 issue-4 | First |
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4 | Analysis of Factors in Establishing microvascular Annals of Surgery in oral cancer patients in Odisha – A 12years Study | Annals of International Medical & Dental Research Vol.5 Issue-3 | First |
5 | Study of Tissue Expansion in the Reconstruction of Nevus and Scars | Annals of International Medical & Dental Research Vol.5 Issue-4 | Second |
6 | Combined use of the Mathies and Incided Urethral plate Technique for Repair of Distal penile Hypospadias | Indian Journal of Surgery | Second |
| | 2015 Decmber 77(Suppl2) | |
7 | Pedicles latissimus dorsi Flap for arm defects: A report of twenty three cases | Journal of orthopedics, Traumatology & Rehabilitation | Second |
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8 | Epidemiological Features and Management of Oral Canual patients: Euperience from a single private comprehensive cancer care centre in the state of Odisha | Indian Journal of Otolaryngology & Head & Neck Surgery | Second |
9 | Indian journal of plastic surgery (IJPS) Jan-April 2012, volume 45, issue 1:151-153 | Single Stage reconstruction in head & neck surgery using deltopectoral& pectorals major myocutaneous flap | 2012 |
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10 | Indian Journal of plastic surgery (IJPS) jan-April 2012, volume 45,issue1:130-133 | Muscle conserving free gracillis transfer (miningracills free flap | 2012 |
11 | Indian journal of plastic surgery(IJPS) jan-April2012, volume 45,issue 1:159160 | Role of laterality of free osteocutaneous fibula in complex oro-mandibular reconstruction | 2012 |
12 | Indian journal of plastic surgery (IJPS) sept-Dec 2012, volume 45, issue 3:116-119 | Duplication of lower lip &Mandible – A rare case. | 2012 |
13 | Journal of Hand Surgery (American) volume-37 April – December 2012 | Atypical injury distal to the palmar arch. | 2012 |
14 | Indian journal of plastic surgery (IJPS) jan-April 2013 | Rare case of naso-lacrymal duct opening into face | 2013 |
15 | Indian journal of plastic surgery(IJPS) 2014 volume 147/ IBSal3/Pg 423-426 | Primary Intraossen venous malformation of nasal reson: A case report | 2014 |
16 | Indian Journal of Plastic Surgery May-August 2014 Vol. 47 Issue 2 258 | Reconstruction of high voltage electric burn woundwith exposed shoulder joint by thoracoacromial artery perforator propeller flap | 2014 |
17 | Indian J Dermatol. 2013 Nov-Dec; 58(6): 461–463 | Giant Inflammatory Linear Verrucous Epidermal Nevus: Successfully Treated with Full Thickness Excision and Skin Grafting | 2013 |
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19 | J OrthopTraumatolRehabil [serial online] 2014 [cited 2015 Nov 28] ;7:145-9 | Pedicledlatissimusdorsi flap for arm defects: A report of twenty-three cases | 2015 |
20 | International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research , 33(1), July – August 2015; Article No. 45, Pages: 240-243 | Reconstruction of Post Thermal Burn Defect of Face and Shoulder | 2015 |
21 | Journal of Evidence Based Medicine & Healthcare, Vol. 2/Issue 35/Aug. 31, 2015 , pg 5325-5331 | An epidemiological study & study of different surgical modalities for treatment of traumatic brachial plexus injury patients treated at an eastern indian centre | 2015 |
22 | Journal of Evidence Based Medicine & Healthcare, Vol. 2/Issue 32/Aug. 10, 2015 P 4754-4759. | Reconstruction of post electric burn defects of upper limb with different flaps | 2015 |