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Bibhuti Bhusana Panda
Associate Professor
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Dr Sudhansu Sekhar Sethi
Assistant professor
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Dr. Manoj Kumar Hansda
Assistant Professor
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Assistant Professor
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Dr Deepali Prusty
Senior resident
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Dr Praveen Kumar pradhan
Senior Resident
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Dr. Monisha Mohapatra
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Sl. No. Publication List
  1. IOSR journal Patterns and effectsbof fatal poisoning in costal odisha

Liver Pathology: An autopsy based study from southern Odisha.


1. Assault cases registered in an apex Hospital during August 2013 to May 2014.
2. Infantry rifle contact wound mimicking multiple gunshot entry wound.
3. Study of poisoning cases in an Indian tertiary care teaching Hospital.
4. Trends of female medico-legal cases in an urban Hospital in recent times.
5. Mandibular ramus notch as a tool for sexual dimorphism.


1 Mutilation of body after crime
2 Vitriolage and it’s current law
3 Blunt trauma injury of cervicothoracic abdomenal region among the victim around costal area of odisha.
4 A fatal case of whistle blow in a child
5 Mandibular ramus notching as a tool for sexual dimorphism
6 Bee sting envenomation rare fatality
7 Sudden death due to rupture aneurysm A rare case
8 Isolated fatal accidental femoral artery injury A case report
9 Romberg syndrome A rare case report


1. “Study of Concealed Evidence in Homicidal Death”. Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology, Vol- 7, Number- 1, Jan-Mar 2014: P(27-30)
2. “Significance of Defence Wound in Homicidal Death”. J IAFM, July- Sept 2014, Vol 36, Number. 3, P(263-265)
3. “Demography of Suicide in Coastal Region of Odisha”. IJFMP, Vol 11, Number 1, Jan-March 2018, Page.5-9
4. “Burn Deaths: An Autopsy Based Study in a Tertiary Care Hospital in Western Odisha”. IJFMT. Vol-12, Number 1, Jan-Mar 2018, Page. 304-308


1. Mohan Kumar Hansda, Niranjan Sahoo, Bibhuti Bhusana Panda, Sriman Narayan Mishra. Study of Burn Cases during Autopsy in Relation to Manner of Death. IJFMP, 2017; 10(2): 103-107

2. Bibhuti Bhusana Panda, Niranjan Sahoo, Kunal Mishra.A Cross Sectional Study on Knowledge of UG, Intern, PG, and Faculty regarding Current Law and Guidelines of Sexual Assault Victim Examination. International Journal of Medical Science and Clinical Inventions, 2016; 3 (9): 2189-2192.

3. Bibhuti Bhusana Panda, Sarthak Ranjan Nayak, Debasis Mishra. Ammonia Inhalation Toxicity: A Case Report. Toxicology International, 2016; 23(1): 100-103.

4. Laxmikanta Behera, Niranjan Sahoo, Bibhuti Bhusana Panda,Mohan Kumar Hansda. “The Fatal Head Injuries of Victim within 72 Hours from the Time of Road Traffic Accident – A Prospective Study”. IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences,2016; Volume 15, Issue 9 Ver. IV: PP 125-129

5. S Mishra, BB Panda, T Mishra, T. Sahu. Assessment of Infrastructure at Government Healthcare Facilities for Providing Family Welfare Services in Odisha. Journal of Preventive Medicine & Holistic Health, 2016; 2(1):

6. Bibhuti Panda, Niranjan Sahoo And Sumit Mandal. A Case Report On Pyrethroid Poisoning. International Journal Of Recent Scientific Research, 2016; 7, (6): Pp. 11939-11941.

7. Dr. Niranjan Sahoo, Dr. Nityanand Kumar, Dr. Bibhuti Bhusana Panda And Mr. Arunava Dutta. Significance Of External Findings In Hanging Cases During Autopsy. International Journal Of Biomedical And Advance Research, 2016; 7(3): 119-122.

8. Dr.N Kumar, Dr. N Sahoo, Dr. BB Panda, Mr. A Dutta Demographic Profile Of Hanging Cases Autopsied In Rims, Ranchi. Global Journal For Research Analysis, 2016; 5(3):

9. Dr.B.B.Panda, Dr.K Mishra, Dr. MK Hansda, Dr. S Naik. Dr. SS Sethi. Mandibular Ramus Notching As A Tool For Sexual Dimorphism. International Journal Of Medical Research & Health Sciences, 2016; 5(2):

10. Dr.B.B.Panda, Dr. M.K. Hansda, Dr. K. Mishra, Prof. Dr. P. Samantsinghar. Study Of Poisoning Cases In An Indian Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital. Journal Of Indian Academy Of Forensic Medicine, 2015; 37 (2): 165-168.

11. Dr. S.R. Nayak, Prof. Dr. M.K. Jena, Dr. B.B Panda, Dr. P. Singh. Sudden Deaths Due To Choking. Journal Of Indian Academy Of Forensic Medicine, 2015; 37 (1): 106-108.

12. Dr. S.S. Sethi, Dr. B.B Panda. Vitriolage And Its Current Law: Two Case Reports. Scholars Journal Of Medical Case Report, 2015; 3 (2): 145-148.

13. Dr. B.B Panda, Dr. M.K. Hansda, Prof. Dr. N. Samantray. Trends Of Female Medico-Legal Cases In An Urban Hospital In Recent Time. Medico-Legal Update, 2015; 15 (2): 123-126.

14. Dr. B.B Panda, Dr. S.S. Sethi, Dr. S.R. Nayak. A Fatal Case Of Whistle Blow In A Child. Indian Journal Of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 2015; 9 (2): 88-91.

15. Prof. Dr. H.K. Sahoo, Dr. K. Mishra, Dr. B.B.Panda. A Review On Duties Of Doctor In Case Of Suspected Poisoning. Indian Journal Of Forensic And Community Medicine, 2014; 1 (1): 41-43.

16. Dr. B.B Panda, Dr. A. Nayak, Prof. Dr. P. Samantsinghar. Significance Of Defense Would In Homicidal Deaths. Journal Of Indian Academy Of Forensic Medicine, 2014; 36 (3): 263-265.

17. Dr. B.B Panda, Dr. M.K. Hansda, Prof. Dr. H.K. Sahoo. Assault Cases Registered In An Indian Apex Hospital During August 2013 To May 2014. International Journal Of Current Research, 2014; 6 (12): 11099-11102.

18. Dr. B.B Panda, Dr. A. Nayak, Prof. Dr. M.K. Jena. Study Of Concealed Evidence In Homicidal Deaths. Indian Journal Of Forensic Medicine And Pathology, 2014; 7 (1): 27-30.


1. Road Traffic Fatalities in Coastal Odisha: Autopsy based study, MRIMS Journal of Health Sciences
2. Cheiloscopy: A Forensic Aid for Personal Identification and Sex Determination, J Indian Acad Forensic Med
3. Evaluation of Fatal Snakebite Cases in Coastal Odisha: An Autopsy based Cross-sectional Study, Journal of Indian Society of Toxicology
4. Mutilation of body after crime, Journal of Forensic Toxicology & Pharmacology
5. Study of skull Fractures in Fatal Cranio Cerebral Injuries in Light with the Manner of Death, J Indian Acad Forensic Med
6. Pattern of Injuries in Women Sexually Assaulted, Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology
7. Corrosive Ingestion Injuries- A case Report, Journal of Forensic Toxicology & Pharmacology
8. Fatal Laryngeal Oedema in Burns, J Trauma Treat
9. Medical Negligence in Post operative Care: a case report, Research
10. Analysis of risk factors of dowry death- A south Indian Study, Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine
11. Romberg Syndrome and Medical Negligence, Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology
12. Estimation of length of humerus from its fragmentary portions, Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine
13. Victimiologic study of Female suicide, Medico-legal update
14. Suicide in India- A four year retrospective study, Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine
15. Victimiologic study of male suicide, International Journal of Medical Toxicology & Legal Medicine
16. Vulnerable victims of sexual Assault, Medine, Science and the Law