- The president shall preside over the meetings of the EC and the General Body (GB) meetings. When he/she, or the Vice-President in their stead, is not able to fulfill these functions, the EC may nominate a member of the Committee for the same.
- The Vice-President (Intra-mural) shall act for the Presi-dent in his/her absence.
- The Secretary is the Chief Executive Officer of the As-sociation responsible for all its activities other than those for which there are named officers, including co-ordination among the later. He/she shall draft the minutes of the meetings of the EC and the GB and shall circulate it to all members of the EC, with the approval of the President, within two weeks of the meeting. He/she shall ensure periodic publication of the Membership Directories of the Association and organize the Annual Alumni Reunions.
- The Joint Secretary shall help and assist the secretary and ensure periodic publication of the Membership Di-rectories of the Association and organize the Annual Alumni Reunions.
- The Treasurer is the financial officer of the Association and shall be responsible for all the funds of the Associa-tion, their receipts, payments and accounts, and annual auditing of the same. Any expenditure exceeding RS.10,000, or such sum as may be decided by the AGM from time to time, should be specifically authorized by the GB.
- The Editor shall be responsible for the publications of the Association including the S.C.B.M.C. Alumni Journal, under the guidance of the EC in regard to general policy, subscriptions, advertisements and measures for financial stability.
- The Event management Secretary shall be responsible for organizing events during the Alumni Reunion(s) and other occasions as may be decided by the EC, within budgets approved by it.
- WCSMS will be in charge of management of website and promotion of alumni on social media especially fa-cebook and twitter. WCSMS will handle updation and upgradation of website & will be the interface between association and social media.